Senjutsu-Tekina Seido
What does it mean?
It's simple. In Japanese, Senjutsu-Tekina means tactical. Seido means precision. That is what we offer. That is who we are. We combine the quality and precision of two of the most sought after engineering styles worldwide. Japanese and German at our roots, we never allow anything but perfection to leave our facility. Our products are meticulously inspected in house and rigorously tested in the field to ensure that they work as intended, every time.

When large companies refuse to provide the obvious improvements and redesigns that their customers beg for, we take that mission. Our products are under constant research and development to look for improvements in any area possible, no matter how close to perfect we think we've got it.
Every day, companies release new products for the firearms community. With every new product comes every shortcoming that end users discover from actual use. At STS, we seek to provide solutions that address the unique needs of the firearms community as well as the shortcomings of existing firearms accessories.