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AR FCG Reinforcement Plates - Grade 5 Titanium

AR FCG Reinforcement Plates - Grade 5 Titanium


The Fire Control Group (FCG) Reinforcement Plates, designed by DB Firearms, are commonplace among newer builds. These plates were designed to reinforce the hammer pin, trigger pin, and safety selector for many AR FCG pattern builds.


We proudly offer Grade 5 Titanium FCG Reinforcement plates that have been laser cut and deburred. The plates are media blasted in house using 100 grit garnet media as recommended, directly from Cerakote, for proper application and adhesion of coatings. This same grit media is used for our Parkerizing/ Cerakote process, as well as for our Additive Manufacturing Rail Kits. This helps to remove any burrs in addition to creating a uniform surface finish. This prepped surface is the perfect base for any coating you plan to use, or leave it raw for a matte textured finish!


Sold in a pair, be sure to pick up a set, or even a few extra, for your next build!


Kit includes:

2 Grade 5 Titanium Laser Cut FCG Reinforcement Plates



100 grit garnet is used to media blast the plates. The plates may still have minor blemishes and some minor hand fitting may be required. Plates are sold in a "raw" finish and may be used as is but protective coating (paint, etc) recommended for longevity. Anti walk pins are required to hold the plates in place and an ambidextrous safety selector is recommended, however not required. You will need to confirm that you build has the recesses designed in to the lower to be able to use these plates.

  • Warning:

    This product has not been approved for legal compliance by any state or local firearms regulatory authority. Please consult with a competent firearms attorney before attempting to make your rifle compliant with state or local assault weapons ban laws.



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